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SEGY-SAK: A library for loading and manipulating SEG-Y data with Python using Xarray

SEGY-SAK can be use as a tool to handle SEG-Y files inside Python environment.

By including SEGY-SAK in your toolbox you will be able to load or transform the original binary SEG-Y data into more accessible and Python friendly formats. It leverages the work of Segyio to simplify loading of common SEG-Y formats into xarray.Dataset objects for ease of use and to NetCDF4 files for better on disk and large file performance using Dask. Tools to help users create new volumes and to return data to SEG-Y are also included.


Here are some of the features of SEGY-SAK

  • Loading and Writing SEG-Y data

    Conveniently load or write all types of SEG-Y data into or from an easy to use Xarray Dataset.

    • Any number of dimensions.
    • Data with with missing traces.


  • Interact with SEG-Y headers and text

    • Scan or extract the trace headers.
    • Extract the file text header.


  • Select and Extract

    • Label based slicing (iline, xline, sample)
    • Arbitrary line slicing
    • Horizon amplitude extraction and sculpting
    • Well path extraction

    Slicing, arbitrary lines

    Horizon extraction and sculpting

  • Seismic Geometry Tools

    • Generate cube affine transform
    • Fill missing trace X and Y coords.
  • Scale with the Python stack

    • Dask integration
    • Lazy loading of SEG-Y by default.

    Dask example

  • Help

See also

Fundamental Python libraries to SEGY-SAK are Segyio and Xarray.

Many of the examples in this documentation use a subset of the the full Volve dataset which was published by Equinor and you can read about it or get a copy of it here.


Segysak use the GPL-3 license.

The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for software and other kinds of works.


If you use this software, please cite it.

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author = {Hallam, Antony},
title = {SEGY-SAK},
url = {}