CLI Reference
Base commands
Usage: segysak [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2 [ARGS]...]...
The SEG-Y Swiss Army Knife (SEGY-SAK) is a tool for managing segy data. It
can read and dump ebcidc headers, scan trace headers, convert SEG-Y to
SEISNC and vice versa.
-v, --version Print application version name
--debug-level [ERROR|INFO|DEBUG]
-f, --file FILE The input file for subsequent pipeline
-k, --chunk DIM CHK_SIZE The chunk size to use for processing data.
Necessary with large files. This will be
used to lazily load slabs of data between
input and output.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
convert Convert file between SEG-Y and NETCDF (direction is guessed or...
crop Crop an input volume [chainable DS -> DS]
ebcidc Print SEG-Y EBCIDC header [chainable DS | FILE -> End]
netcdf Load or export a NetCDF4 file [chainable [DS -> FILE | FILE ->...
print Print the pipeline Xarray dataset
pyzgy Load or export a ZGY file [chainable [DS -> FILE | FILE -> DS]]
scan Scan trace headers and print a summary of value ranges...
scrape Scrape the file meta information and output it to text file.
sgy Load or export a SEG-Y file [chainable [DS -> FILE | FILE -> DS]]
EBCIDC headers
segysak ebcidc
segysak ebcidc
Usage: segysak ebcidc [OPTIONS]
Print SEG-Y EBCIDC header [chainable DS | FILE -> End]
-n, --new-line Print a blank line between consecutive header output.
--name Print the file name before the text header output.
--no-colour Decolourise output.
-s, --set [TXTFILE] Set the output files to have text from specified file
or stdin.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Trace Headers
segysak scan
segysak scan
Usage: segysak scan [OPTIONS]
Scan trace headers and print a summary of value ranges [chainable DS | FILE
-> End]
-m, --max-traces INTEGER Number of traces to scan
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
segysak scrape
segysak scrape
Usage: segysak scrape [OPTIONS]
Scrape the file meta information and output it to text file. [chainable DS |
If no options are specified both will be output. The output file will be
<filename>.txt for the EBCIDC and <filename>.csv for trace headers.
The trace headers can be read back into Python using
pandas.read_csv(<filename>.csv, index_col=0)
-e, --ebcidc Output the text header
-h, --trace-headers Output the trace headers to csv
--help Show this message and exit.
File loading and conversion
segysak sgy
segysak sgy
Usage: segysak sgy [OPTIONS]
Load or export a SEG-Y file [chainable [DS -> FILE | FILE -> DS]]
-d, --dimension NAME BYTE Data dimension NAME and trace header BYTE.
-v, --variable NAME BYTE Data header variable NAME and trace header BYTE.
-o, --output FILE Output file path
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
segysak netcdf
segysak netcdf
Usage: segysak netcdf [OPTIONS]
Load or export a NetCDF4 file [chainable [DS -> FILE | FILE -> DS]]
-o, --output FILE Output file path
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
segysak pyzgy
segysak pyzgy
Usage: segysak pyzgy [OPTIONS]
Load or export a ZGY file [chainable [DS -> FILE | FILE -> DS]]
Requires: pyzgy zfpy
-o, --output FILE Output file path
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Data manipulation
segysak crop
segysak crop
Usage: segysak crop [OPTIONS]
Crop an input volume [chainable DS -> DS]
-c, --crop DIM MIN MAX ... The cropping dimension name with min and max
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
segysak print
segysak print
Usage: segysak print [OPTIONS]
Print the pipeline Xarray dataset
-h, --help Show this message and exit.