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Open a SEG-Y File

SEG-Y data is opened using a lazy backend with an Xarray backend engine. The limited subset of the trace headers are scanned and loaded into the Dataset eagerly to build the Dataset geometry but the trace data is accessed as required to save memory. Additional trace headers can be included by specifying a name and byte position in the extra_byte_fields argument.


Not all SEG-Y data writes trace headers to the same byte positions. Check your data to ensure you have specified the correct trace header byte locations for the dimensions and extra byte fields you want.

import xarray as xr
ds = xr.open_dataset(
    dim_byte_fields={'iline':189, 'xline':193},
    extra_byte_fields={'cdp_x':181, 'cdp_y':185},
ds.segysak.scale_coords() # if required
import xarray as xr
ds = xr.open_dataset(
    dim_byte_fields={'iline':189, 'xline':193, 'offset':37},
    extra_byte_fields={'cdp_x':181, 'cdp_y':185},
ds.segysak.scale_coords() # if required
import xarray as xr
ds = xr.open_dataset(
    extra_byte_fields={'cdp_x':181, 'cdp_y':185},
ds.segysak.scale_coords() # if required

Check the text header

The text header can be accessed directly without loading the data and often contains information about which byte locations to specify to open_dataset.

from segysak.segy import get_segy_texthead


Scan or extract the trace headers

The trace headers contain information about each SEG-Y file trace, including scalars, parameters and coordinates. The information available in your trace headers depends upon the file and how or where it was originally created.

To discover what information exists in your trace headers you can either scan a few traces for a summary or extract the entire content as a Pandas DataFrame.

from segysak.segy import segy_header_scan
scan = segy_header_scan(segyfile_path)
from segysak.segy import segy_header_scrape
scrape = segy_header_scrape(segyfile_path)

Disabling TQDM progress bars

If you wish to disable loading/progress bars for the package. This can be done globally for the session.

from segysak.progress import Progress

More Details

For more detailed information and examples. Check the examples section or the package reference.