Cube interpolation and depth conversion¶
This notebook demonstrates depth conversion with Xarray (data loaded via SEGY-SAK). For larger volumes, the dask example should be followed, by creating a client with workers first.
import pathlib
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from segysak.segy import segy_header_scan
## to run this example with dask uncomment and run the following
# from dask.distributed import Client
# client = Client()
# client.cluster.scale(2, memory="0.5gb")
# client
Load the data¶
First the seismic data and velocity data needs to be loaded. Note the Velocity data is in depth and has significantly fewer inlines and crosslines. That is because the velocity data is sub-sampled relative to the seismic data. This is common where velocities have been picked or calculated on a sparse grid through the seismic volume.
# the data files
volve3d_path = pathlib.Path("data/volve10r12-full-twt-sub3d.sgy")
volve3d_vels_path = pathlib.Path("data/volve10-migvel-depth-sub3d.sgy")
# load the data
vel_ds = xr.open_dataset(
dim_byte_fields={"iline": 189, "xline": 193},
extra_byte_fields={"cdpx": 181, "cdpy": 185},
chunks={"iline": 1, "xline": -1, "samples": -1},
vel_ds = vel_ds.rename({"data": "migintvel", "samples": "depth"})
volve_ds = xr.open_dataset(
dim_byte_fields={"iline": 5, "xline": 21},
extra_byte_fields={"cdp_x": 73, "cdp_y": 77},
chunks={"iline": 1, "xline": -1, "samples": -1},
volve_ds = volve_ds.rename(
"samples": "twt",
print("Velocity data dims:", vel_ds.dims)
print("Seismic data dims:", volve_ds.dims)
Velocity data dims: FrozenMappingWarningOnValuesAccess({'iline': 18, 'xline': 52, 'depth': 226}) Seismic data dims: FrozenMappingWarningOnValuesAccess({'iline': 61, 'xline': 202, 'twt': 850})
Create a TWT volume from the velocity cube¶
The velocity cube is in depth. So a mapping to TWT needs to be created to match the input seismic data. The mapping is essentially a TWT cube sampled in depth. When depth conversion is performed we interpolate or sample the seismic data to these TWT time values which implicitly gives the new seismic volume in depth. Lets think about why it is done in this way.
Just calculating the depth for each TWT sample in the original seismic cube using the provided velocities, would result in irregular sampling in the depth domain. Furthermore, the depth axis samples would be different for each trace, which have unique velocity functions. Usually, our seismic data is required to be on a regular grid, so unique and irregular depth sampling per trace is not appropriate.
The velocities are migration interval velocities and represent the velocity in the interval of the sample. Lets look at a single trace with smooth plotting (left) and step based plotting (right).
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(10, 5))
vel_trace = vel_ds.sel(iline=10095, xline=2256).migintvel
vel_trace.plot(y="depth", yincrease=False, label="smooth", ax=axs[0])
axs[0].step(vel_trace.values, vel_trace.depth, label="steps")
sub = slice(100, 150) # subslice to look at in zoom (right plot)
vel_trace.isel(depth=sub).plot(y="depth", yincrease=False, label="smooth", ax=axs[1])
axs[1].step(vel_trace.values[sub], vel_trace.depth[sub], label="steps")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f06d6e7be80>
Each velocity sample has a unique two-way-time (TWT) which is calculated by integrating
the velocity functions/traces. Now there is an explicit mapping between depth
perform the sum iteratively along an axis is the cumulative sum or cumsum
- the velocity axis - and TWT the output of the integration. The easiest way to do this, is to divide the velocity interval (depth axis step) by the associated velocity and then sum the results. The Xarray function to
The integration is also scaled from seconds to milliseconds to match the data vertical axis and doubled (for two way travel time TWT).
Using the Xarray cumsum
here is important. As our data is lazily loaded,
Xarray/Dask have been building a computation graph, this describes the steps
the data processing will take, but doesn't actually execute any calculations
until output is required. This minimises the amount of computation needed.
To display the following trace functions, only a small amount of data is loaded
with subsequent calculations carried out. Any data not needed for visualisation
is not loaded or converted to depth. That is why its quite fast.
Ideally, we should use Xarray methods, as they handle the application of
functions and the computational graph. If we were to apply NumPys cumsum
instead, Dask cannot resolve the computation graph and the delaying of operations
is broken. As a result, a full computation occurs.
The lesson here, is stay within the Xarray/Dask API if possible.
twt_ds = (2000 * 20 / vel_ds.migintvel).cumsum("depth")
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(10, 5))
twt_trace = twt_ds.sel(iline=10095, xline=2256).compute()
twt_trace.plot(y="depth", yincrease=False, label="smooth", ax=axs[0])
axs[0].step(twt_trace.values, twt_trace.depth, label="steps")
axs[0].set_xlabel("twt (ms)")
sub = slice(100, 150) # subslice to look at in zoom (right plot)
twt_trace.isel(depth=sub).plot(y="depth", yincrease=False, label="smooth", ax=axs[1])
axs[1].step(twt_trace.values[sub], twt_trace.depth[sub], label="steps")
axs[1].set_xlabel("twt (ms)")
Text(0.5, 0, 'twt (ms)')
Give the new twt to depth mapping the variable twtc
and assign it back to the
velocity data volume.
Remember, twtc
links the depth dimension to a TWT which is required to convert
the seismic from TWT to depth.
This variable twtc
again exists in the computation graph, and no calculations
have yet been carried out. In fact, the data isn't even
loaded into memory.
# assign the twt_ds back to vel_ds
vel_ds["twtc"] = twt_ds
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 2MB Dimensions: (iline: 18, xline: 52, depth: 226) Coordinates: * iline (iline) int16 36B 10087 10091 10095 10099 ... 10147 10151 10155 * xline (xline) int16 104B 2148 2152 2156 2160 ... 2340 2344 2348 2352 * depth (depth) float32 904B 0.0 20.0 40.0 ... 4.46e+03 4.48e+03 4.5e+03 Data variables: cdpx (iline, xline) int32 4kB dask.array<chunksize=(1, 52), meta=np.ndarray> cdpy (iline, xline) int32 4kB dask.array<chunksize=(1, 52), meta=np.ndarray> migintvel (iline, xline, depth) float32 846kB dask.array<chunksize=(1, 52, 226), meta=np.ndarray> twtc (iline, xline, depth) float32 846kB dask.array<chunksize=(1, 52, 226), meta=np.ndarray> Attributes: seisnc: {"coord_scalar": -100.0, "coord_scaled": false}
Velocity cube interpolation¶
The velocity volume must now be upsampled (interpolated) from the sparse velocity
cube to match the seismic data. This will create a trace in the velocity volume
for each trace in the seismic volume. The method of interpolation can be simple
like linear
but we will use cubic
or spline based interpolation.
Xarray interpolation uses the scipy.interpolate
# interpolate velocities to volve volume
vel_dsi = vel_ds.interp_like(, method="cubic")
print("Velocity interpolated data dims:", vel_dsi.dims)
Velocity interpolated data dims: FrozenMappingWarningOnValuesAccess({'depth': 226, 'iline': 61, 'xline': 202})
The original (left) and upsampled data (right), velocity (top) and TWT (bottom). The vertical axis is depth.
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(10, 10), sharex=True, sharey=True)
vel_ds.sel(iline=10095).migintvel.T.plot(yincrease=False, ax=axs[0, 0])
vel_dsi.sel(iline=10095).migintvel.T.plot(yincrease=False, ax=axs[0, 1])
vel_ds.sel(iline=10095).twtc.T.plot(yincrease=False, ax=axs[1, 0], cmap="plasma")
vel_dsi.sel(iline=10095).twtc.T.plot(yincrease=False, ax=axs[1, 1], cmap="plasma")
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7f06d51dfc70>
Depth conversion¶
The first step of depth conversion is to specify the sampling along the depth axis that we wish the seismic output to have. In this case we create a 3m spaced range up to 4500m. The twtc
cube is interpolated onto this grid to create the TWT samples at which we need to resample the seismic cube. We then add this new spatially upsampled data which has been vertically sub-sampled to 3m to the original seismic Dataset.
twtc_subsampled_3m = vel_dsi["twtc"].interp(
coords={"depth": np.arange(0, 4500, 3)}, method="cubic"
# add the twt information to the seismic volume dataset
volve_ds["twtc"] = twtc_subsampled_3m
Depth conversion occurs on a trace-by-trace basis, matching a velocity function (or the twtc
mapping in this case) to each seismic trace.
The best way to then apply a depth conversion function is using the map_blocks
functionality of Xarray. This is a new method that Xarray provides which
is similar to group_by
in Pandas. In a nutshell however, it applies a function to a block of your Dataset, defined by its chunking.
Therefore, we must rechunk the data to ensure that when we apply our trace resampling trace_resample
that dask applys the process on a trace-by-trace basis.
Alternatively, you chould write a trace_resample
function which handles arbitrary blocks of seismic data. That would likely be more performant but that is a bit beyond this example.
# rechunk so be can apply over blocks that are trace (inline/xline) consistent
volve_ds = volve_ds.chunk({"iline": 1, "xline": 1, "twt": -1, "depth": -1})
The trace_resample
function will be mapped over each trace using the xr.map_blocks
function. Each block is represented by a chunk (why we rechunked to traces).
We can test the function by supplying a single traces .isel(iline=[1], xline=[1])
. The square brackets on the dimension selectors are important, they tell Xarray not to squeeze dimensions
which is how the data will be provided to our function.
def trace_resample(trace, var_name, seismic_var="data", out_var="twtc", method="cubic"):
"""Convert a trace from one sample dimension to another.
trace: the trace dataset provided by `xr.map_blocks`
seismic_var: the variable name of the trace seismic data
out_var: The variable which maps the dimension to be resampled to the new dimension (e.g. twt -> depth)
method: The interpolatin method for `interp1d` from scipy.interpolate.
# do dimension checks on input trace
in_dims = tuple(trace[seismic_var].squeeze().dims)
out_dims = tuple(trace[out_var].squeeze().dims)
# assert len(in_dims) == 1 # The chunks should only be supplied in one dimension
# assert len(out_dims) == 1 # The chunks should only be supplied in one dimension
in_dim, out_dim = in_dims[0], out_dims[0]
trace_z = trace[seismic_var].interp(
method="cubic", coords={in_dim: trace[out_var].squeeze().values}
trace_z = trace_z.rename({in_dim: out_dim})
trace_z[out_dim] = trace[out_dim].values = var_name
return trace_z # .expand_dims(tuple(out_var_lost_dims)).drop_vars(in_dim[0])
# Test our twt2depth function
test_trace = volve_ds.isel(iline=[1], xline=[1])
tZ = trace_resample(test_trace, "dataZ")
Lets plot the sample traces to see how the output depth domain trace has been stretched and squeezed. Velocity increases with depth, and therefore the seismic data is stretched significantly the deeper (right end) it is.
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(10, 5))[0])
We can lazily apply depth conversion to the whole volume now using the xr.map_blocks
is still in beta, and its arguments may change.
volve_dsZ = volve_ds.map_blocks(
trace_resample, args=("dataZ",), template=volve_ds["twtc"]
) = "data"
Lets check a single inline to see if our seismic data and velocity data match up after the depth conversion. Looks good, the higher vleocity section in the middle of the depth range lines up with key reflectors in the data!
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(15, 5), sharex=True)
twt_plot = volve_ds.sel(iline=10095).data.T.plot(
yincrease=False, ax=axs[0], cmap="Greys"
twt_plot.axes.set_title(f"TWT {twt_plot.axes.get_title()}")
z_plot = volve_dsZ.sel(iline=10095).T.plot(yincrease=False, ax=axs[1], cmap="Greys")
zv_plot = vel_dsi.sel(iline=10095).migintvel.T.plot(
yincrease=False, ax=axs[1], alpha=0.3
z_plot.axes.set_title(f"Depth w/IntVel {z_plot.axes.get_title()}")
# fig.tight_layout()
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Depth w/IntVel iline = 10095')
Saving the depth converted volume¶
Now, we haven't actually performed depth conversion of the whole cube. To do this we need to use the to_segy
method, although you could write to any of the other Xarray supported data storage types. segyio
the library that
SEGY-SAK uses for writing seismic data works better on contiguous chunks of seismic data. Therefore we are going to rechunk our data to one crossline xline
at a time. Before we write it to disk.
This is the longest running cell in the notebook. Why? Well, actually, all the functions we lazily applied earlier are being run. So this one cell is responsible for executing all the interpolation, scaling, chunking and resampling that we specified before. The process is smart enough, that only the necessary data is read into memory for each step.
volve_ds["dataZ"] = volve_dsZ.chunk({"xline": -1, "depth": -1})
trace_header_map={"cdp_x": 181, "cdp_y": 185},
Lets check the results.
ds = xr.open_dataset(
dim_byte_fields={"iline": 189, "xline": 193},
extra_byte_fields={"cdpx": 181, "cdpy": 185},
ds.sel(iline=10095).data.plot(y="samples", yincrease=False)
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7f06ac00c6a0>