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I have a HDF5 version conflict error

If you are in a conda environment this can occur when conflicts arrise from the installed netCDF4 binaries and your system binaries. We suggest you try updating the library with your distribution package manager. Re-creating your conda environment or trying to reinstall the netCDF4 related packages.

How big can my input SEG-Y file be

For practical purposes SEGY-SAK is a designed as a desktop focussed tool for files that fit into memory. Files on the order of 10s of Gb can be reliably loaded into memory these days. For files greater than the amount of memory available the segy_convert function should be used to convert directly to NETCDF4. Conversion of very large files can be slow but they can then be lazily loaded using Xarray and dask.

Why don't you use the global coordinates for dimensions

Xarray requires that our dimensions be orthogonal to each other. Often seismic data is rotated relative to the global cartesian grid and therefore it is not orthogonal any more. To get around this users of seismic data regularly work with the local seismic grid defined by the inline, crossline and vertical directions. This local grid is linked to the global coordinate system through an affine transform.